About Us
kNOwVAWdata is a DFAT funded UNFPA Asia and the Pacific Regional Office initiative to develop sustained regional capacity through the development and implementation of a sound training curriculum and to build a committed pool of trained professionals and researchers on the measurement of violence against women (VAW) in Asia and the Pacific region.
Globally, violence against women is an urgent public health, human rights, economic and public policy priority. Reliable, comparable data on violence against women are essential to prevention and response efforts, however technical capacity to collect data about violence against women safely and accurately is limited.
From 2018, the University of Melbourne, in partnership with UNFPA, ANROWS and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), is pleased to offer the kNOwVAWdata training course, a four-module course for professionals seeking to build their skills in measuring the prevalence of violence against women.

Meet the team

Kristin Diemer
Program co-lead

Cathy Vaughan
Program co-lead

Henriette Jansen

Larissa Fogden

Joanne Rowe

Jasmin Isobe

Jessica Gardner

Seema Vyas

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