kNOwVAWdata Resources

For further information on the kNOwVAWdata initiative including publications on survey methodologies, principles for interviewing women who may have experienced violence, country survey reports and an interactive map visualizing violence against women data for the countries of the Asia Pacific Region, please visit UNFPA.

UNFPA Asia Pacific kNOwVAWdata initiative

Measuring prevalence of violence against women in Asia-Pacific. Globally, addressing violence against women is an urgent public health, human rights, economic and public policy priority…

Six golden principles for interviewing women who may have experienced violence - kNOwVAWdata

Collecting quality and reliable data on violence against women through special surveys is crucial if we want to understand and end the scourge. Drawing on years of international experience…

Violence Against Women - Regional Snapshot (2020) - kNOwVAWdata

The 2020 Asia-Pacific regional violence against women snapshot is the fifth annual edition of this publication. It shows the prevalence and trends of violence against women in countries throughout the Asia-Pacific region.

Protocol Guidance for VAW study

This is a tool to assist design and planning for a national prevalence survey. It provides an overview of the activities involved in conducting a dedicated national VAW prevalence study and is intended to be used by country research teams as a guide for developing their own country specific protocol, reflecting each country’s particular approach.

Prepared by Henrica A.F.M. (Henriette) Jansen for UNFPA supported violence against women studies in the Asia and the Pacific region that replicate and/or adapt the methodology of the WHO multi-country study on Women’s Health and Domestic Violence. It builds on many years of experience of supporting country studies that took part in the WHO multi-country study (2000-2005) and others that have since used the methodology.

The first version (2012) was used for the second round of Pacific Island studies; the second version (2015) included minor changes to accommodate the new round of studies in the Asian region. This current major update was prepared in the context of the kNOwVAWdata initiative. Jessica Gardner and Clare Hoenig provided valuable inputs to this version.

Decision tree: Data Collection on Violence against Women and COVID-19

This decision tree helps organisations with gender-based violence programmes, national statistical offices, policymakers and researchers decide when and how to best collect data on women’s experiences of violence and their access and use of relevant services during the COVID-19 pandemic…

Sources of Violence Against Women Data - kNOwVAWdata

Information and statistics on violence against women (VAW) are potentially available from a variety of sources. Two of the most common ‘groups’ of sources of quantitative data are…

kNOwVAWdata Phase I Report

Improving Quality and Availability of Ethical Data on Violence against Women Prevalence Across the Asia and the Pacific region. Violence against women is recognized as a global public policy priority…

Summary Report: Evaluation of the kNOwVAWdata Initiative - Phase 1

Demand for data on the prevalence of violence against women (VAW) is increasing as countries monitor their progress towards meeting Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 for Gender Equality and…

Use and Adaptation of kNOwVAWdata Course Curriculum & Facilitator Guidebook

In light of increasing demand for more accurate, reliable and comparable violence against women (VAW) prevalence data, the kNOwVAWdata initiative launched in 2016. kNOwVAWdata builds on a long history of…

Measuring the Prevalence of Violence Against Women Survey Methodologies - kNOwVAWdata Survey Methodologies

Surveys are the only way to collect data on the prevalence of violence against women (VAW) and thus to get an estimate of the magnitude of the problem in the population. There are two major approaches…

Indicators on Violence Against Women: kNOwVAWdata's overview of the Sustainable Development Goal indicators on violence against women

The new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by Member States in September 2015 sets out 17 Goals and 169 associated targets to be achieved by 2030. Member States have adopted a comprehensive…

Violence Against Women Key Terminology: kNOwVAWdata's explanation of commonly used terminology related to violence against women

This document outlines the definitions of commonly used terms related to violence against women and measuring its prevalence. The terms originate from various disciplines and conceptual backgrounds…

Swimming Against the Tide: Lessons Learned from Field Research on Violence Against Women in the Solomon Islands and Kiribati

This booklet summarizes lessons that emerged from the in-depth assessment of the Socio-cultural Research on Gender-based Violence in Solomon Islands and Kiribati conducted in 2009. The studies in these two countries were undertaken in 2008 as part of a UNFPA-initiated and supported multi-country study on VAW in the Pacific.