Knowledge Hub

The Knowledge Hub provides links to resources supporting the measurement of violence against women and has been funded under the Pacific Spotlight Initiative. While starting with a primary focus on Pacific resources and global resources which are applicable for the Pacific region, the Knowledge Hub will continue under the UNFPA kNOwVAWdata initiative to support global knowledge exchange and a strong community of practice. The strength of this Knowledge Hub is the opportunity to share resources and support all regions of the globe.

If you would like to share links to be added to the Knowledge Hub, please send them to

The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey

The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey

The primary objectives of the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey are to describe: The prevalence and characteristics of sexual violence, stalking, and intimate partner violence, Who is most likely to experience these forms of violence, The patterns and impact of the violence experienced by specific perpetrators, The health consequences of these forms of violence. The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey is an ongoing, nationally representative random digit...

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The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey

New Survey Methodologies in Researching Violence Against Women

This paper assesses the methodologies of the new national surveys of violence against women, including those in the US, Canada, Australia, Finland and the Netherlands, as well as the British Crime Survey. The development of large‐scale quantitative survey methodology so as to be suitable for such a sensitive subject has involved many innovations. The paper concludes with recommendations for further improvements including: the sampling frame, the scaling of both sexual assaults and range of...

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The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey

Innovative Approaches to Gender-Based Violence Service Provision in Emergencies

Even in the most challenging settings, UNICEF delivers innovative solutions to strengthen availability, accessibility and quality of GBV response services. With the COVID-19 pandemic, UNICEF had to capitalize further on its innovations in order to reach women and girls and help them to seek for help despite the lockdowns and quarantine restrictions enacted by Governments to respond to the pandemic.

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The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey

Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse: Guidelines for health and psychosocial service providers in humanitarian settings

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) have newly developed “Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse Guidelines” for health and psychosocial providers in humanitarian settings – “CCS Guidelines”. The CCS Guidelines are based on global research and evidence-based field practice, and bring a much-needed fresh and practical approach to helping child survivors, and their families, recover and heal from the oftentimes devastating impacts of...

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The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey

Interagency Gender-based Violence Case Management Guidelines: Providing care and case management services to gender-based violence survivors in humanitarian settings

This resource aims to set standards for quality, compassionate care for GBV survivors in humanitarian settings, with particular focus on the provision of case management services. It builds upon and should be used in conjunction with other GBV response resources, such as the Caring for Survivors of Sexual Violence in Emergencies Training Package and the Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse: Guidelines for health and psychosocial service providers in humanitarian settings.

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The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey

Learning From Practice: Adolescent-focused Approaches to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls

This synthesis review aims to draw out some cross-cutting best practices, challenges and lessons from 10 diverse interventions to prevent violence against adolescent girls across various settings. These interventions, each centred on a different form of violence against girls, were funded by the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund). The interventions focused solely on adolescents (both boys and girls) or an adolescent-focused programme was a subcomponent of a wider...

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The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey

Statistical framework for measuring the gender-related killings of women and girls (also referred to as “femicide/feminicide”)

This document provides a comprehensive statistical framework for measuring gender-based killings of women and girls (femicide/feminicide). In addition to the statistical definition of such killings, the framework identifies a typology of gender-based killings of women and girls and the list of variables that can be used to identify and quantify the different types of such killings.

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The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey

Measuring the shadow pandemic: Collecting violence against women data through telephone interviews – An evidence-based technical guidance

UN Women conducted Rapid Gender Assessments on the impact of COVID-19 on violence against women (VAW RGAs) in 13 countries, in collaboration with Ipsos and with support from national statistical offices and national women’s machineries.The VAW RGAs provided a first opportunity to test existing guidance and recommendations on remote data collection for VAW, and as a result, gathered learnings and empirical evidence, both in terms of safety protocols and VAW measurement. This guidance offers a...

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The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey

National Study on Violence against Women in Georgia 2022

UN Women teamed up with the National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT) to conduct a second nationwide study on violence against women in Georgia in 2022. Building on the initial study in 2017, the 2022 survey significantly expanded its methodology to include additional forms of intimate partner violence, non-partner violence, sexual harassment, stalking, as well as attitudes and social norms related to violence against women. A total of 3,300 women and 1,104 men were interviewed across...

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The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey

Global Database on Violence against Women

The global database is a unique “one-stop site” for information on the following types of measures undertaken by Governments to address violence against women: Institutional mechanisms; Research and statistical data; Laws; Policies; Budgets; Services; Prevention; Perpetrators programmes; Regional/International initiatives; Monitoring and evaluation

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The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey

The World’s Women 2015: Trends and Statistics

This sixth edition of The World’s Women: Trends and Statistics provides the latest statistics and analysis on the status of women and men at global and regional levels and reviews the progress towards gender equality over the last 20 years. The eight chapters of the report cover several broad policy areas identified in the 1995 Beijing Platform for Action, the framework that set the international agenda for improving the status of women. These areas include population and families, health,...

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Gender-related killings of women and girls: Improving data to improve responses to femicide/feminicide

Gender-related killings of women and girls: Improving data to improve responses to femicide/feminicide

With the aim of galvanizing global action against this all-too-pervasive crime, UNODC and UN Women have joined forces to produce this research paper on the global estimates of gender-related killings of women and girls in the private sphere in 2021. This paper features policy recommendations to support comprehensive and multisectoral approaches to prevent and address gender-related killings and other forms of gender-based violence against women and girls.

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Safe Consultations with Survivors of Violence against Women and Girls

Safe Consultations with Survivors of Violence against Women and Girls

This guidance is intended to help policymakers develop survivor-centred programming on ending violence against women and girls that meets the needs of diverse groups of women and girls, including those who are at higher risk of experiencing violence and discrimination. It is applicable to programming across the health, justice and policing, and social services sectors, as well as coordination of these sectors, and will help improve the standard and delivery of essential services for women and...

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Gender-related Killings of Women and Girls (Femicide/Feminicide): Global estimates of female intimate partner/family-related homicides in 2022

Gender-related Killings of Women and Girls (Femicide/Feminicide): Global estimates of female intimate partner/family-related homicides in 2022

With the aim of galvanizing global action against this crime, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime and UN Women are publishing this second joint publication with global estimates of gender-related killings of women and girls by an intimate partner or family member, with data from 2022. This publication features policy recommendations to prevent gender-related killings, including through risk assessments and protective measures, the establishment of femicide observatories, the criminalization of...

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