Knowledge Hub

The Knowledge Hub provides links to resources supporting the measurement of violence against women and has been funded under the Pacific Spotlight Initiative. While starting with a primary focus on Pacific resources and global resources which are applicable for the Pacific region, the Knowledge Hub will continue under the UNFPA kNOwVAWdata initiative to support global knowledge exchange and a strong community of practice. The strength of this Knowledge Hub is the opportunity to share resources and support all regions of the globe.
If you would like to share links to be added to the Knowledge Hub, please send them to

Global Database on Violence against Women
The global database is a unique “one-stop site” for information on the following types of measures undertaken by Governments to address violence against women: Institutional mechanisms; Research and statistical data; Laws; Policies; Budgets; Services; Prevention; Perpetrators programmes; Regional/International initiatives; Monitoring and evaluation

Global Database on the Prevalence of Violence Against Women
This WHO Global Database on Prevalence of Violence against Women is a comprehensive database on the prevalence of the two most common forms of violence against women globally: Intimate partner violence and sexual violence by someone other than a partner, referred to as non-partner sexual violence. This interactive data visualization platform presents the first global, regional and country/area estimates on intimate partner violence and global and regional estimates on non-partner sexual...

Population Data Portal – Towards Zero gender-based violence and harmful practices
UNFPA’s ultimate data source and tracker for population and development data. It combines the newest population data on topics like sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, family planning, maternal health, or gender based violence gathered from a multiple sources.

Geospatial Dashboard
UNFPA's first geospatial dashboard on IPV features national data for 119 countries, sub-national data, and disaggregated data on IPV by age, place of residence, employment, education, and household wealth.

GBVF Statistics Dashboard
This dashboard is a comprehensive visualisation and monitoring tool of available data related to gender-based violence and femicide in South Africa. Data Sources include Victims of Crime (VOC) survey data, the South African Police Service (SAPS), and the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA).

A focus on violence
The shadow pandemic: Violence against women and girls and COVID-19. Data on violence against women during the COVID-19 pandemic

Programming to Address Violence Against Women
10 Case Studies presented in the form of lessons that were leant through projects conducted in 10 countries that set up projects to change attitudes and practices.