Knowledge Hub

The Knowledge Hub provides links to resources supporting the measurement of violence against women and has been funded under the Pacific Spotlight Initiative. While starting with a primary focus on Pacific resources and global resources which are applicable for the Pacific region, the Knowledge Hub will continue under the UNFPA kNOwVAWdata initiative to support global knowledge exchange and a strong community of practice. The strength of this Knowledge Hub is the opportunity to share resources and support all regions of the globe.
If you would like to share links to be added to the Knowledge Hub, please send them to

New Survey Methodologies in Researching Violence Against Women
This paper assesses the methodologies of the new national surveys of violence against women, including those in the US, Canada, Australia, Finland and the Netherlands, as well as the British Crime Survey. The development of large‐scale quantitative survey methodology so as to be suitable for such a sensitive subject has involved many innovations. The paper concludes with recommendations for further improvements including: the sampling frame, the scaling of both sexual assaults and range of...

The Measurement of Domestic Abuse – Redeveloping the Crime Survey for England and Wales
The Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) is a representative population survey that since the early 2000s has provided ongoing measurement of domestic abuse via a dedicated domestic abuse module, with regular publication of headline prevalence and other descriptive data. At the same time the measurement of domestic violence in the CSEW has also been the subject of ongoing debate and critique, in particular whether it is appropriate to use catch-all prevalence measures in the context of...

Integrating Gender-based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action: Reducing risk, promoting resilience and aiding recovery
The purpose of these Guidelines is to assist humanitarian actors and communities affected by armed conflict, natural disasters and other humanitarian emergencies to coordinate, plan, implement, monitor and evaluate essential actions for the prevention and mitigation of gender-based violence (GBV) across all sectors of humanitarian response.

Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies
This brief provides a summary of why gender-based violence in emergencies matters, alongside UNICEF's commitment and approach.

Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse: Guidelines for health and psychosocial service providers in humanitarian settings
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) have newly developed “Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse Guidelines” for health and psychosocial providers in humanitarian settings – “CCS Guidelines”. The CCS Guidelines are based on global research and evidence-based field practice, and bring a much-needed fresh and practical approach to helping child survivors, and their families, recover and heal from the oftentimes devastating impacts of...

Interagency Gender-based Violence Case Management Guidelines: Providing care and case management services to gender-based violence survivors in humanitarian settings
This resource aims to set standards for quality, compassionate care for GBV survivors in humanitarian settings, with particular focus on the provision of case management services. It builds upon and should be used in conjunction with other GBV response resources, such as the Caring for Survivors of Sexual Violence in Emergencies Training Package and the Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse: Guidelines for health and psychosocial service providers in humanitarian settings.

We are Agents of Change: Adolescent Girls Approaches to Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response in Middle East and North Africa
This brief outlines adolescent girl-led approaches to GBV prevention and response in Middle East and North Africa including: access to gender-sensitive health information, peer-to-peer awareness in Syria, cross sectoral approaches to child marriage in Yemen and supporting adolescent girls empowerment and agency in Iraq.

Statistical framework for measuring the gender-related killings of women and girls (also referred to as “femicide/feminicide”)
This document provides a comprehensive statistical framework for measuring gender-based killings of women and girls (femicide/feminicide). In addition to the statistical definition of such killings, the framework identifies a typology of gender-based killings of women and girls and the list of variables that can be used to identify and quantify the different types of such killings.

Measuring the shadow pandemic: Collecting violence against women data through telephone interviews – An evidence-based technical guidance
UN Women conducted Rapid Gender Assessments on the impact of COVID-19 on violence against women (VAW RGAs) in 13 countries, in collaboration with Ipsos and with support from national statistical offices and national women’s machineries.The VAW RGAs provided a first opportunity to test existing guidance and recommendations on remote data collection for VAW, and as a result, gathered learnings and empirical evidence, both in terms of safety protocols and VAW measurement. This guidance offers a...

Global Database on Violence against Women
The global database is a unique “one-stop site” for information on the following types of measures undertaken by Governments to address violence against women: Institutional mechanisms; Research and statistical data; Laws; Policies; Budgets; Services; Prevention; Perpetrators programmes; Regional/International initiatives; Monitoring and evaluation

Intimate partner violence among women with and without disabilities: a pooled analysis of baseline data from seven violence-prevention programmes
Pooled analysis of baseline data from 8549 adult women participating in seven IPV prevention studies in five countries across Africa and Asia that used collaborative, comparative measurement strategies to assess both disability and IPV.

Gender and IoT (G-IoT) Tech Abuse Guide
How internet-connected devices can affect victims of gender-based domestic and sexual violence and abuse

Gender and IoT (G-IoT) Resource List
This resource list is intended as supplementary material to better inform and guide victims and survivors of technology-facilitated abuse as well as those working with them.

Violence Against Women Key Terminology: kNOwVAWdata’s explanation of commonly used terminology related to violence against women
kNOwVAWdata's explanation of commonly used terminology related to violence against women

Measuring the Prevalence of Violence Against Women Survey Methodologies – kNOwVAWdata Survey Methodologies
Surveys are the only way to collect data on the prevalence of violence against women (VAW) and thus to get an estimate of the magnitude of the problem in the population. There are two major approaches to collecting population-based data on violence against women using surveys; dedicated surveys or a set of questions/modules added to a large-scale survey.

UNFPA Asia Pacific kNOwVAWdata dashboard
Data visualizations and reports from the latest national violence against women prevalence surveys in the Asia-Pacific region; Resources on violence against women data measurement, analysis and uptake; kNOwVAWdata updates; Real-life stories of the brave and compassionate individuals involved in measuring vitally important, nationally representative data on violence against women.

Intersectionality and Invisible Victims: Reflections on Data Challenges and Vicarious Trauma in Femicide, Family and Intimate Partner Homicide Research
This article draws upon the experiences of four researchers in the field of femicide, family and intimate partner homicide - and offers insights into processes, impacts and unintended consequences of fatality reviews and research initiatives

Maternal Childhood Parental Abuse History and Current Intimate Partner Violence: Data From the Pacific Islands Families Study
The aim of the study was to establish the association between the experience of maternal and/or paternal emotional or physical abuse and current severe physical partner violence perpetration or victimization among a cohort of Pacific women.

Factors associated with induced abortion over time: secondary data analysis of five waves of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health
Objective: A trend analysis of associations with induced abortion. Methods: Secondary analysis of the Australian Longitudinal Study of Women's Health (N=9042). Conclusions: Abortion remains strongly associated with factors affecting women's control over reproductive health such as partner violence and illicit drug use.

New WHO guidelines on intimate-partner violence
The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued new practice and policy guidelines to help health care practitioners screen, treat and support victims of sexual and partner violence.

Ending Violence Against Women
Summary of good practices provided in the programming to address Violence Against Women

A Practical Approach to Gender-Based Violence: A Programme Guide for Health Care Providers & Managers
Publication that is targeted primarily at health service providers, however is for anyone who wants to undertake a gender-based violence project in any part of the world