Knowledge Hub

The Knowledge Hub provides links to resources supporting the measurement of violence against women and has been funded under the Pacific Spotlight Initiative. While starting with a primary focus on Pacific resources and global resources which are applicable for the Pacific region, the Knowledge Hub will continue under the UNFPA kNOwVAWdata initiative to support global knowledge exchange and a strong community of practice. The strength of this Knowledge Hub is the opportunity to share resources and support all regions of the globe.
If you would like to share links to be added to the Knowledge Hub, please send them to

Integrating Gender-based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action: Reducing risk, promoting resilience and aiding recovery
The purpose of these Guidelines is to assist humanitarian actors and communities affected by armed conflict, natural disasters and other humanitarian emergencies to coordinate, plan, implement, monitor and evaluate essential actions for the prevention and mitigation of gender-based violence (GBV) across all sectors of humanitarian response.

Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse: Guidelines for health and psychosocial service providers in humanitarian settings
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) have newly developed “Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse Guidelines” for health and psychosocial providers in humanitarian settings – “CCS Guidelines”. The CCS Guidelines are based on global research and evidence-based field practice, and bring a much-needed fresh and practical approach to helping child survivors, and their families, recover and heal from the oftentimes devastating impacts of...

Interagency Gender-based Violence Case Management Guidelines: Providing care and case management services to gender-based violence survivors in humanitarian settings
This resource aims to set standards for quality, compassionate care for GBV survivors in humanitarian settings, with particular focus on the provision of case management services. It builds upon and should be used in conjunction with other GBV response resources, such as the Caring for Survivors of Sexual Violence in Emergencies Training Package and the Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse: Guidelines for health and psychosocial service providers in humanitarian settings.

Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women: global technical guidance
This global technical guidance has been developed by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) through the Joint Programme on Violence Against Women Data and with invaluable advice from an advisory group of experts from UN agencies as well as independent experts.

Gender-based Violence Administrative Data Toolkit
Toolkit and templates for multi-sector data collection on gender-based violence. Designed in collaboration with Pacific multi-sector organisations.

Indicators on Violence Against Women: kNOwVAWdata’s overview of the Sustainable Development Goal indicators on violence against women
kNOwVAWdata's overview of the Sustainable Development Goal indicators on violence against women

Sources of Violence Against Women Data – kNOwVAWdata
As this leaflet sets out to show, administrative data, while having their utility as a source of information on violence against women, cannot provide an estimate of the prevalence of violence against women taking place within a population.

Violence Against Women Key Terminology: kNOwVAWdata’s explanation of commonly used terminology related to violence against women
kNOwVAWdata's explanation of commonly used terminology related to violence against women

Measuring the Prevalence of Violence Against Women Survey Methodologies – kNOwVAWdata Survey Methodologies
Surveys are the only way to collect data on the prevalence of violence against women (VAW) and thus to get an estimate of the magnitude of the problem in the population. There are two major approaches to collecting population-based data on violence against women using surveys; dedicated surveys or a set of questions/modules added to a large-scale survey.

Putting Women First
Ethical and Safety Recommendations for Research on Domestic Violence Against Women

Intersectionality and Invisible Victims: Reflections on Data Challenges and Vicarious Trauma in Femicide, Family and Intimate Partner Homicide Research
This article draws upon the experiences of four researchers in the field of femicide, family and intimate partner homicide - and offers insights into processes, impacts and unintended consequences of fatality reviews and research initiatives

No Safe Place: A Lifetime of Violence for Conflict Affected Women and Girls in South Sudan (Policy Brief)
This brief highlights research aimed at filling substantial gaps in understanding of violence against women and girls (VAWG) in humanitarian settings, including whether or not there is a correlation between increased national conflict and VAWG.