Knowledge Hub

The Knowledge Hub provides links to resources supporting the measurement of violence against women and has been funded under the Pacific Spotlight Initiative. While starting with a primary focus on Pacific resources and global resources which are applicable for the Pacific region, the Knowledge Hub will continue under the UNFPA kNOwVAWdata initiative to support global knowledge exchange and a strong community of practice. The strength of this Knowledge Hub is the opportunity to share resources and support all regions of the globe.

If you would like to share links to be added to the Knowledge Hub, please send them to

New Survey Methodologies in Researching Violence Against Women

New Survey Methodologies in Researching Violence Against Women

This paper assesses the methodologies of the new national surveys of violence against women, including those in the US, Canada, Australia, Finland and the Netherlands, as well as the British Crime Survey. The development of large‐scale quantitative survey methodology so as to be suitable for such a sensitive subject has involved many innovations. The paper concludes with recommendations for further improvements including: the sampling frame, the scaling of both sexual assaults and range of...

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New Survey Methodologies in Researching Violence Against Women

Global Database on Violence against Women

The global database is a unique “one-stop site” for information on the following types of measures undertaken by Governments to address violence against women: Institutional mechanisms; Research and statistical data; Laws; Policies; Budgets; Services; Prevention; Perpetrators programmes; Regional/International initiatives; Monitoring and evaluation

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Patterns of Womenʼs exposure to psychological violence: A global examination of low- and middle-income countries

Patterns of Womenʼs exposure to psychological violence: A global examination of low- and middle-income countries

Under Sustainable Development Goal 5, prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV) is a globally reportable indicator. There is a lack of consensus on how to measure and report psychological IPV, affecting prevalence estimates and cross-country comparability. We examine similarities and differences in the patterning of women's experiences of psychological abuse in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to inform common cut points.

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Patterns of Womenʼs exposure to psychological violence: A global examination of low- and middle-income countries

A scoping review of measurement of violence against women and disability

A scoping review with a focus on measurement to assess the forms of measurement and study design utilized to explore the intersection of violence against women with disabilities, and to identify strengths and limitations in current approaches to measuring violence against women with disabilities. This scoping review is designed to inform current debates and discussions regarding how to generate evidence concerning violence against women with disabilities.

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Checklist for ensuring the quality of violence against women surveys

Checklist for ensuring the quality of violence against women surveys

This checklist is designed to help national statistics offices and other national research and data institutions and research teams to think through the steps needed to produce high-quality survey data on intimate partner violence — from the planning stages through to analysis, report write-up and dissemination of accurately interpreted findings. This checklist addresses the specificities of measuring the prevalence of intimate partner violence — one of the most common forms of violence women...

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Global Database on the Prevalence of Violence Against Women

Global Database on the Prevalence of Violence Against Women

This WHO Global Database on Prevalence of Violence against Women is a comprehensive database on the prevalence of the two most common forms of violence against women globally: Intimate partner violence and sexual violence by someone other than a partner, referred to as non-partner sexual violence. This interactive data visualization platform presents the first global, regional and country/area estimates on intimate partner violence and global and regional estimates on non-partner sexual...

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Data on Violence Against Women: Key Messages

Data on Violence Against Women: Key Messages

This is an overview of key concepts on violence against women data that can be applied globally. It is intended to serve as a complementary resource to a longer technical report entitled "A Guide to Better Understanding and Using Violence Against Women Prevalence Data."

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A Guide to Better Understanding and Using Violence Against Women Prevalence Data

A Guide to Better Understanding and Using Violence Against Women Prevalence Data

Guidelines in this publication provide concepts and principles for the process of interpreting, understanding and using violence against women prevalence data that can be applied globally. A case study with survey data from eleven Pacific island countries is used to illustrate how VAW prevalence data can be analysed and compared to reveal interesting and nuanced patterns in violent behaviour and its drivers of violence.

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Geospatial Dashboard

Geospatial Dashboard

UNFPA's first geospatial dashboard on IPV features national data for 119 countries, sub-national data, and disaggregated data on IPV by age, place of residence, employment, education, and household wealth.

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A focus on violence

A focus on violence

The shadow pandemic: Violence against women and girls and COVID-19. Data on violence against women during the COVID-19 pandemic

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Survey data sets pertinent to the study of intimate partner violence and health

Survey data sets pertinent to the study of intimate partner violence and health

This article describes some currently available survey data sets that contain information regarding women's experiences of intimate partner violence and health, identifies a number of the strengths and limitations of these data sets, and makes recommendations concerning the types of survey data that should be gathered in the future to help move the field forward.

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