Knowledge Hub

The Knowledge Hub provides links to resources supporting the measurement of violence against women and has been funded under the Pacific Spotlight Initiative. While starting with a primary focus on Pacific resources and global resources which are applicable for the Pacific region, the Knowledge Hub will continue under the UNFPA kNOwVAWdata initiative to support global knowledge exchange and a strong community of practice. The strength of this Knowledge Hub is the opportunity to share resources and support all regions of the globe.

If you would like to share links to be added to the Knowledge Hub, please send them to

Background paper: A synthesis of evidence on the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women

Background paper: A synthesis of evidence on the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women

This background paper was developed to synthesize evidence, including divergent expert opinions, on the collection and use of VAW administrative data. It was used as the technical document for an Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on Administrative Data on Violence Against Women convened in September 2019 by UN Women. The background paper and the discussions and recommendations coming out of the EGM will inform the development of global guidance on the collection and use of VAW administrative data.

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Background paper: A synthesis of evidence on the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women

Global Database on Violence against Women

The global database is a unique “one-stop site” for information on the following types of measures undertaken by Governments to address violence against women: Institutional mechanisms; Research and statistical data; Laws; Policies; Budgets; Services; Prevention; Perpetrators programmes; Regional/International initiatives; Monitoring and evaluation

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Background paper: A synthesis of evidence on the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women

The World’s Women 2015: Trends and Statistics

This sixth edition of The World’s Women: Trends and Statistics provides the latest statistics and analysis on the status of women and men at global and regional levels and reviews the progress towards gender equality over the last 20 years. The eight chapters of the report cover several broad policy areas identified in the 1995 Beijing Platform for Action, the framework that set the international agenda for improving the status of women. These areas include population and families, health,...

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Gender-related killings of women and girls: Improving data to improve responses to femicide/feminicide

Gender-related killings of women and girls: Improving data to improve responses to femicide/feminicide

With the aim of galvanizing global action against this all-too-pervasive crime, UNODC and UN Women have joined forces to produce this research paper on the global estimates of gender-related killings of women and girls in the private sphere in 2021. This paper features policy recommendations to support comprehensive and multisectoral approaches to prevent and address gender-related killings and other forms of gender-based violence against women and girls.

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Gender-related Killings of Women and Girls (Femicide/Feminicide): Global estimates of female intimate partner/family-related homicides in 2022

Gender-related Killings of Women and Girls (Femicide/Feminicide): Global estimates of female intimate partner/family-related homicides in 2022

With the aim of galvanizing global action against this crime, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime and UN Women are publishing this second joint publication with global estimates of gender-related killings of women and girls by an intimate partner or family member, with data from 2022. This publication features policy recommendations to prevent gender-related killings, including through risk assessments and protective measures, the establishment of femicide observatories, the criminalization of...

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Global Database on the Prevalence of Violence Against Women

Global Database on the Prevalence of Violence Against Women

This WHO Global Database on Prevalence of Violence against Women is a comprehensive database on the prevalence of the two most common forms of violence against women globally: Intimate partner violence and sexual violence by someone other than a partner, referred to as non-partner sexual violence. This interactive data visualization platform presents the first global, regional and country/area estimates on intimate partner violence and global and regional estimates on non-partner sexual...

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Violence Against Women Prevalence Estimates, 2018

Violence Against Women Prevalence Estimates, 2018

This report is based on an analysis of available prevalence data from surveys and studies conducted between 2000 and 2018, obtained through a systematic and comprehensive review of all available data on the prevalence of these two forms of violence against women.

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Geospatial Dashboard

Geospatial Dashboard

UNFPA's first geospatial dashboard on IPV features national data for 119 countries, sub-national data, and disaggregated data on IPV by age, place of residence, employment, education, and household wealth.

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A focus on violence

A focus on violence

The shadow pandemic: Violence against women and girls and COVID-19. Data on violence against women during the COVID-19 pandemic

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