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Access the kNOwVAWdata course curriculum

The kNOwVAWdata Course was developed collaboratively by UNFPA Asia and the Pacific Regional Office, the University of Melbourne, and Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety, with the support of the Australian Government.

The curriculum draws from decades of existing materials and resources developed by global experts on the measurement and use of VAW prevalence data, much of which started with and is building on the World Health Organization (WHO) Multi-country Study on Women’s Health and Domestic Violence against Women, a study that has set the standards that we still use today for the measurement of VAW prevalence. The resources used in the course are well documented and cited throughout the course materials.

The kNOwVAWdata Course Curriculum and accompanying Facilitator Guidebook were developed as open-source resources for use by other facilitators and trainers. These documents provide helpful guidance on using the materials, making adaptations for local contexts and acknowledging the course developers when using the kNOwVAWdata materials.

The kNOwVAWdata course team will make available to interested parties the Course Curriculum and Facilitator Guidebook along with accompanying materials, developed for use in Asia and the Pacific. Open-source documents enables expansion of the global skill set for safe and ethical measurement of VAW.

In the spirit of collaboration and respect for shared knowledge, the kNOwVAWdata course team welcomes receipt of any adapted training materials, which we will share with other users, with reciprocal permissions and attributions.


To request access to the open-source curriculum documents please complete the electronic form below.

For more information about usage and adaptation of the course curriculum, download the guide below.

KNOWVAWDATA Curriculum Request Form

Measuring violence against women accurately, safely and ethically requires specialized training. If not done ethically and safely, VAW research can cause great harm to women and children. Therefore, we ask that users of the kNOwVAWdata course materials take this into account. Before conducting a course, we ask that the facilitator teams ensure that they have the required skillset to deliver the course.

Information about the appropriate facilitator skillset is included in the kNOwVAWdata Facilitator Guidebook.

To ensure courses maintain integrity of measurement to meet international best practice standards, please carefully review advice in the kNOwVAWdata Use and Adaptation of the kNOwVAWdata Course Curriculum & Facilitator Guidebook.

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Course Twinning Partners

The University of Melbourne’s Department of Social Work, and School of Population and Global Health would like to identify ‘twinning’ partners for global delivery of the kNOwVAWdata course, a course designed to strengthen regional and national capacities to measure violence against women.

Acknowledging the emerging and increasing demand for data on violence against women (VAW), and the lack of technical knowledge to properly measure it, the University of Melbourne and the United Nations Fund for Population Asia Pacific Regional Office (UNFPA APRO), with support from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), have developed the kNOwVAWdata course. The course aims to build capacity in VAW measurement at national and regional levels in alignment with international gold standard methodology to conduct ethical, safe and robust surveys.

The initial Call for Expressions of Interest has closed. However we are always interested in having conversations with institutions who wish to form a twinning partnership.

Please send an enquiry to: Kristin Diemer (,
Subject: Twinning enquiry (kNOwVAWdata course)