kNOwVAWdata Trained Specialists
The kNOwVAWdata Pacific community of practice provides a hub for listing course alumni. This hub is helpful for connecting course participants, and for listing people who may be available to provide technical support for research on violence against women in the Pacific context. The kNOwVAWdata Trained Specialists page development and ongoing management has been funded by the Spotlight Initiative.

kNOwVAWdata Online Course certification pathways and requirements
kNOwVAWdata Online: Certificate of Completion requirements
- Completion of all the online components of the course
- Receive 70% or higher on all online assessments
- Complete two knowledge tests: pre-course (Subject 1) and post-course (Subject 4)
- The Certificate of Completion is available to those doing single subjects and those doing all four subjects
kNOwVAWdata Online: Certificate of Attainment requirements
- A Certificate of Completion
- Participate in at least 70% of the Zoom sessions and respond to Discussion Board questions for Subjects 1 to 4
- Receive an assessment of ‘Highly proficient’ or ‘Competent’ on Reflection Journals for Subjects 1 to 4
- Receive ‘Highly proficient’ or ‘Competent’ on the final Study Protocol (introduced in Subject 2)
- Attain 70% or higher on kNOwVAWdata post-course knowledge test (Subject 4)
- This certificate is only available to those who complete all four kNOwVAW data subjects
Requirements to becoming registered as a UNFPA kNOwVAWdata trained specialists
- A Certificate of Attainment
- Receive an assessment of ‘Highly proficient’ on all four Reflection Journals
- Receive ‘Highly proficient’ on the final Study Protocol (introduced in Subject 2)
- Attain 90% or higher on kNOwVAWdata post-course knowledge test (Subject 4)
- Submit a short essay
- Interview with a expert panel to assess suitability
kNOwVAWdata Trained Specialists

Gina Houng Lee
Occupation: Gender and Human Rights Consultant
Country: Fiji
Region specialised in: Pacific
I am a Fijian and Pacific Islander with knowledge and understanding of development in the Pacific Region. I am a gender and human rights consultant with more than 20 years’ experience working on issues such as ending violence against women (EVAW) and gender mainstreaming. I previously worked for SPC RRRT project building support for Comprehensive EVAW legislation in the Pacific. I worked at Fiji Women’s Rights Movement as the Executive Co-ordinator. I have a undergraduate degree in Social Anthropology and a Master’s Degree in Development Studies. I wrote my Master’s thesis on Gender and Housing.
Contact details:

Jessica Gardner
Occupation: Statistician
Country: Switzerland
Regions specialised in: Pacific, Asia, Central Asia, Europe, Eastern Europe
Jessica is a statistician specialising in social and gender statistics, particularly data analysis, interpretation and presentation of actionable results. She has been part of the kNOwVAWdata team since it first began in 2016. During this time, Jessica has provided technical support to national VAW prevalence surveys in several countries. She participated in the 2019 kNOwVAWdata 4-week course.
Contact details:

Seema Vyas
Occupation: Independent consultant
Country: United Kingdom
Regions specialised in: Pacific, Asia, Southern Asia, South East Asia, Africa, Eastern Africa
My journey into violence against women research began in 2008 when I enrolled on a PhD programme at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine-my topic of exploration: the intersections between women’s economic empowerment and partner violence using Tanzania as a case study. Since then, I have provided advanced statistical support to countries around the world to analyse their national prevalence survey data. Additionally, with my training in health economics, I have undertaken several studies to estimate the economic burden of violence and the costs of prevention and response programmes advancing national capacities to interpret and utilise such data.
Contact details:

Semi Talemaivavalagi
Occupation: Research Assistant
Organization: UNFPA
Country: Fiji
Region specialised in: Pacific
I joined UNFPA in 2019 as a Research Assistant in the Population Development & Gender Unit where I had to provide technical support to pacific countries who were doing MICS which included the DV Module. It was also in the same year that I enrolled in the kNOwVAWdata course.
Currently, I’m still involved in providing support to countries in the analysis of the SRH & DV Module and also providing support to the kNOwVAWdata Team who are running the course for 2021 & 2022 participants.
Contact details:

Veena Singh
Occupation: Research Officer (Gender Equality)
Organization: The Pacific Community (SPC)
Country: Fiji
Regions specialised in: Pacific
Veena Singh is a Fiji Islander, a feminist, and a woman of colour. She is a feminist development practitioner with more than 15 years of professional experience working specifically on women’s human rights, progressing gender equality and social inclusion, women, peace, and security (UNSCR 1325), human security, community development, and more recently in the area of gender statistics. She currently works for the Pacific Community (SPC) in their Human Rights and Social Development Division (HRSD) as their Research Officer (Gender Equality).
Contact details:
Enquiry form
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