Gender-based Violence Administrative Data Toolkit
For the Pacific Region
Gender-based violence affects people in all sections of society and has a heavy personal and economic cost.

Many community and government organisations come into contact with survivors and perpetrators of gender-based violence: police, social workers, courts, women’s services and hospitals – and many others. By coordinating information gathering methods and collecting consistent information, these agencies can better understand the patterns of violence, trends and outcomes. It helps us to know the true extent of gender-based violence, how many people are seeking help or not receiving assistance, and gaps in the support. It is essential that this information is managed in a way that is sensitive, confidential and does no harm to vulnerable people.
Under the kNOwVAWdata Initiative and Pillar 5 of the Spotlight Initiative, a series of data literacy and capacity building workshops were conducted in 2021 by the University of Melbourne and Nossal Institute, supported by SPC and UNFPA. The Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Administrative Data Toolkit for the Pacific Region is an output based on these workshops.
The toolkit aims to:
- Support ethical research that contributes to long-term efforts in ending violence against women and girls
- Enable the use of quality, disaggregated, comparable data on gender-based violence
- Support safe, rigorous, ethical data collection, sharing, and reporting on GBV indicators
- Support organisations to set up GBV administrative data systems using best practice
- Increase data literacy and capacity building across the Pacific region
This toolkit is a high-level guide, reference point, and resource to support the collection, sharing and safe use of GBV administrative data with particular attention to issues in the Pacific Region. It draws on many established concepts, methodologies, tools, and previous foundational work relating to gender-based violence and administrative data.
How to use this toolkit
Each module takes users through key concepts, questions and action points related to GBV administrative data, providing specific examples relevant to the Pacific region. All four modules of this toolkit are complemented by supporting resources – these include key documents such as foundational reports and technical guidance, reference materials, templates, and examples to assist users in making the most of this toolkit in their planning or practice. The toolkit also directs users to additional resources and information to contextualise GBV administrative data and how to use it.
List of accompanying documents
The Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Administrative Data Toolkit for the Pacific Region consists of the following modules. Each module provides information, examples, and links to further resources to support the use of GBV administrative data, with supporting resources such as reference documents, templates, examples, and guides.
Module 1
Why collect and report on GBV administrative data?
Module 2
GBV administrative data collection and sharing
Module 3
Models for building a GBV administrative data system
Module 4
From data to action: GBV data utilisation
Module | Supporting Resources | Type | Link | |
Module 1 Why collect and report on GBV administrative data? |
1a | Guidelines for Producing Statistics on Violence Against Women – Statistical Surveys | Reference | Download (PDF) |
Module 2 GBV administrative data collection and sharing |
2a | Consent form for release of information to an administrative database | Template | |
2b | Memorandum of Understanding | Template | ||
2c | Memorandum of Understanding – Police and Ministry of Women | Example | Download (PDF) | |
2d | Information Sharing Protocols | Guide & Template | ||
2e | Definitions of types of violence against women | Reference | Download (PDF) | |
2f | Recommended minimum data set for administrative GBV data collection | Reference | Download (PDF) | |
2g | Administrative data organisational mapping tool | Tool | Download (XLSX) | |
2h | Pacific GBV data | Template | Download (XLSX) | |
2i | Initial intake and case management form (SHORT) | Template | ||
2j | Intake and case management form (LONG) | Template | ||
Module 3 Models for building a GBV administrative data system |
3a | General steps to setting up GBV administrative data systems | Reference | Download (PDF) |
3b | Global technical guidance for collection and use of administrative data on violence against women | Reference | Download (PDF) | |
3c | Planning steps for setting up regional coordination of a GBV administrative data system | Template | ||
Module 4 From data to action: GBV data utilisation |
4a | National Gender Equality Policy and Data Indicators | Template and example |